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Outdoor Instructor - Driver - Team Leader 1 Month (dec), 3 Month Or 6 Month Position Available

Rockup Adventure Activities Hunua, Papakura, South Auckland., Auckland

Job Description

OUTDOOR INSTRUCTOR - DRIVER - TEAM LEADER - Starting immediately (1 MONTH - DEC 2024) or option for a 3 or 6 month contract.

Must be FUN outgoing, friendly with a good sense of humour. Physically fit and active with able to work in a sole charge position. Previous experience working with children eg guiding, instructing, coaching, lifesaving, camp America etc... Non Smoking with clean car license.

We provide activities for school educational programs, camps and community events including portable rockclimbing walls, archery, top team challenges, fun interactive inflatables, mech. surfboards and bungy tramps.

Must have a working holiday visa, speak english as your first language, excellent communication skills, used to speaking to groups and following and enforcing health & safety protocols.

NB: This is a physically demanding role as we are a mobile operation with setups and pack downs requiring some heavy lifting. Mechanical apitude an advantage as we also work with machinery and generators.

Accommodation (Full Board) Available with training starting rate $25/Hour up to $30/Hour (Depending on experience).

Postcode: 2583 (Hunua, Papakura, South Auckland., Auckland)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Rockup Adventure Activities

Member since: June 2020

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New Zealand’s premier provider of mobile FUN adventure including portable rockclimbing walls, archery and fun interactive games for adults teens and kids. Delivering activities to venues throughout NZ ROCKUP's mission is to raise self esteem, creating positive attitudes and memorable fun experiences in youth.

Sport & Recreation