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Skilled Labourer

The Labour Exchange Ltd Auckland CBD, Auckland

Job Description

We are looking for 1x skilled labourer to join our team on a job site in the CBD for a big project.

Whether you have a few months or years experience working in construction, there are many levels of skilled jobs available to you.

To get started with us, you will need to attend a Health & Safety induction that's 1 hour long.
Once you have been inducted, you have the choice to get started with us right away.

What we offer:
- We have great pay rates and provide a great team environment
- We provide all required PPE gear
- FREE transport to site from our depot in Parnell
- Opportunity for ongoing, full time work

This is a great opportunity to up-skill and increase your construction industry knowledge
Working with The Labour Exchange allows you to build strong relationships and network with the heads of some of New Zealand's biggest constructions companies.

Postcode: 1011 (Auckland CBD, Auckland)

Not a backpacker? That's ok. We accept applications from New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, international students as well as working holiday visa holders. If you are qualified for this position, please register and apply via the form below.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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The Labour Exchange Ltd

Member since: May 2022

Employer's email matches the website.

For 20 years, The Labour Exchange have been specialists in the efficient supply of casual labourers, skilled labourers, leading hands, hammer-hands, traffic controllers and gatemen to Auckland’s Construction and Civil industries.
Our commitment is to supply labour that meets high standards each and every time.
Our clients include many of the largest civil and construction companies in the New Zealand market; therefore, you can find yourself a part of some of Auckland biggest builds by working with The Labour Exchange.
We have an enjoyable team culture and encourage people from all walks of life to work together.
